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Friday Report: November 11, 2022

It’s November 11, which is 11/11 in North America and 11/11 everywhere else. Today Canada celebrates Remembrance Day, the United States celebrates Veterans Day, and we are all still trying to wrap our heads around the U.S. election, the ongoing chaos at Twitter, the death of a beloved voice actor, and probably a dozen other things I’m too sleep-deprived to recall.

This week we released minor updates to Josh Centers’s Take Control of Apple TV and Kirk McElhearn’s Take Control of macOS Media Apps, both of which are now current with the latest Apple hardware and software. I am working on editing a few more books, and I hope to release at least one them next week.

Saskatoon is covered with snow, and we don’t expect to see temperatures above freezing until spring. Quite a change from SoCal, but honestly, I do not object.