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Friday Report: August 19, 2022

In last week’s report I mentioned that we’ve been getting inquiries about when the update to my 1Password book will be out, and…yep, people are still asking. Same answer applies! Soon, but not as soon as you’d like.

Based on the email I receive, I think a lot of people imagine that I spend my days drinking tea and contemplating the meaning of life. But that’s silly. I drink coffee and mostly contemplate the meaning of life in the evenings. Seriously, though, I have, at this moment, six manuscripts from other authors on my desk for editing, plus I’m working on several updates of my own books, dealing with a long list of other business activities, taking care of family stuff (challenging over the summer with two kids at home), and trying to remain somewhat sane and healthy. I assure you I’m not slacking off!

Here’s what I currently expect we’ll release in the remaining two weeks of August:

  • Preliminary versions of our books on Ventura (written by me) and iOS 16/iPadOS 16 (written by Josh Centers)
  • Somewhere between one and four updates to books by Glenn Fleishman, order and timing TBD
  • A new edition of Take Control of Calendar and Reminders, originally written by Scholle McFarland and freshly updated by Glenn
  • The next quarterly update of Take Control of DEVONthink 3

In September and October, we expect more updates of books by Jason Snell, Glenn Fleishman, Josh Centers, and Rosemary Orchard.

And here’s what’s next in my personal queue after August:

  • A new edition of Take Control of 1Password, and a significant update to Take Control of Your Passwords, which will likely ship at the same time or thereabouts
  • Smallish updates to Take Control of iCloud and Take Control of Apple Mail to cover changes in the fall operating systems
  • Version 1.1 of Take Control of Ventura
  • Huge new editions of Take Control of Your Digital Legacy, Take Control of Your Paperless Office, and Take Control of Your Online Privacy
  • A new book on maintaining, troubleshooting, and speeding up your Mac that both updates and replaces our three existing titles on those topics
  • Yet another quarterly update to my DEVONthink book

Depending on a dozen different variables, the order of the above projects could change. But I’m hoping (not promising, mind you) that all of the above will be done by the end of 2022.

Now if everyone could just leave me alone for a few months so I can get caught up with all this writing and editing, that would be great :-).