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Friday Report: July 8, 2022

This week we released the long-awaited version 5.2 of my book Take Control of Apple Mail, finally adding information on Monterey and iOS 15/iPadOS 15. We also released a tiny bug-fix update to Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of Untangling Connections.

My son Soren and I are currently on vacation in London. It so happened that just as we arrived here, the Prime Minister resigned, and also the weather turned weirdly warm and sunny. I can neither confirm nor deny any role in these developments.

Fish and chips have been consumed. Monuments have been visited. The underground and a double-decker bus have been ridden. More of that in the next couple of days, plus a long-awaited and twice-postponed concert by Dave Stewart and Barbara Gaskin, whom I’ve been fans of for roughly 38 years but have never before had a chance to see live.

Once I’m back home in Canada and recovered from jet lag, I’ll catch up with you again next week.