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Sunday Report: April 3, 2022

Friday was April 1, otherwise known as April Fool’s Day—an inauspicious day for blog posts. But I should have done one yesterday, and it slipped my mind. So, I guess Sunday is the new Friday.

Last week we had two big releases. First was the second edition of Kirk McElhearn’s Take Control of Audio Hijack, sponsored by Rogue Amoeba. It covers Audio Hijack version 4, which was released on the same day as the book. And from what I’m seeing on Twitter, people are very excited about this new version of the app. If you do any audio recording on your Mac, Audio Hijack should definitely be in your toolbox, and Kirk’s book will help you get the most out of it.

But wait, there’s more! We also released a brand new book that I’m incredibly happy about: Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of Untangling Connections. This book helps you make sense of all the different flavors of USB, Thunderbolt, HDMI, DisplayPort, and more. Unsure how to get the fastest connection between two devices, or the maximum charging power for your laptop, or the best possible resolution for your displays? Can’t tell which standards a certain cable uses? Trying to figure out the best way to connect devices when there seem to be several options? Glenn’s book helps you work through all those problems and many more. And, it’s completely platform-neutral too.

I’ve finished two small updates of my own books, and depending on how long the editing takes, either or both of those could ship later this week. I have many, many others in my queue, and I’m working my way through it as expeditiously as I can.