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Friday Report: March 18, 2022

Following the release of iOS 15.4 and iPadOS 15.4, we’ve released three updated books by Glenn Fleishman: Take Control of Find My and AirTags version 1.2.2, Take Control of iOS & iPadOS Privacy and Security version 2.2, and Take Control of Your M-Series Mac version 1.3. We also released a long-overdue update to my book Take Control of DEVONthink 3, version 1.8.

So, four updates down, only (checks notes) infinity-minus-four left to go. A couple of other titles are very, very close, and still expected by the end of the month, though whether they’ll appear next week is not yet clear.

We are slowly but surely getting settled in our new digs here in Saskatoon, making our way through a list of home improvements and adapting to Canadian life after many years of living elsewhere. Although spring officially begins next week, already we’ve had several days with peak temperatures above freezing, so the seasonal melt has begun. Birds are chirping, bunnies are hopping, and joggers are jogging.

Catch you again next Friday.