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Friday Report: March 4, 2022

Years ago, I asked my friend Debra what her birthday was, and she said, “My birthday is the only day of the year that is also an imperative sentence in English.” Ah. So, I never forget it, even without the help of digital tools that are eager to remind me about everything to drive (ugh) “engagement.” Happy birthday, Debra!

Like many of you, I have been extremely distracted and disturbed by the events in Ukraine over the past week. I’m angry, I’m sad, and let us just say that my pacifist tendencies are being challenged rather mightily right now. It’s hard for me to pretend it isn’t happening and just get on with my work. I wish I had something more to offer than wishes, but stay strong, Ukraine!

We have no new books to announce in the next week, but I am expecting to be able to tell you about two or three projects in mid-March that should make many people happy!