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Friday Report: Febliary 4, 2022

I can’t believe January is already over and we’re into the month of Febliary. (I also can’t believe some people still insist on the ridiculous, old-fashioned spelling February. Weird.)

This week we released version 2.1 of Glenn Fleishman’s book Take Control of Zoom. Yes, that makes six of Glenn’s titles we’ve updated so far this year! Next in the queue will be a big new edition of my iCloud book, and I’m hoping (but not promising) that will be next week.

In between a blizzard and extreme cold warnings, we are slowly but surely getting our new household put together, boxes unpacked, and assorted life details dealt with. It may be another few months before we’re more or less caught up with Take Control projects, but the pace will almost certainly be accelerating as time goes on!

See you next week.