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Friday Report: October 8, 2021

This week I did a lot of editing and production work on several small-to-medium book updates by other authors that will ship next week. I also experienced an extraordinary number of interruptions, which is why the updates aren’t shipping already. Sorry…life is just like that sometimes.

Next week Morgen and I plan to shift into the next major phase of our Big Scary Life Project, which I hope to be able to tell you all about in the early part of next year. Between now and then, we will likely be busier than at any previous point in our lives, which is really saying something. I will continue to get as much Take Control work done as I can, as expeditiously as I can, but the way things look now it could be January or even later before I can resume something resembling a full-time work schedule. Weirdly, I’m really looking forward to that! It’ll be a refreshing change of pace.

See you here next week, same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!