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Friday Report: August 13, 2021

Hi everyone, and happy Friday the 13th. As I’ve mentioned more than a few times recently, life has been challenging these past couple of months, and I mean that in the most euphemistic sense. Today we received some excellent news that, while not final or definitive, reassures us that our Gigantic Disruptive Life Project will be of finite duration, and perhaps with an end date sooner than we dared imagine. And so my spirits are higher than they have been for a while.

A couple of days ago we released a huge second edition of Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of Zoom that brings it up to date with the truly staggering number of changes Zoom has made to all their apps and services over the past several months. Please check it out!

We’re also inching closer to the first, preliminary release of our books on Monterey and iOS 15/iPadOS 15. It won’t happen next week, but the week after is a distinct possibility.

Now I have to go install the latest Monterey beta and see how much of my manuscript has recently been rendered inaccurate.