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Friday Report: May 7, 2021

We had an eventful week! We published the third edition of Michael E. Cohen’s free Take Control of PDFpen. I finally (finally!) released the fourth edition of Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac, which has been so very badly needed. And we released an update to Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of iOS & iPadOS Privacy and Security, covering things like AirTags and new details about Find My and AirPlay.

In the coming week, I plan to work on the quarterly revision to Take Control of DEVONthink 3 as well as significant new versions of Take Control of Your Passwords and Take Control of 1Password. I can’t yet predict when any of these will be published; it depends on how long the writing and editing take, and a variety of other factors outside my control.

Meanwhile, other authors and editors continue working on other things, as always! I’ve plotted out a preliminary schedule for the next several months, which involves me updating half a dozen of my own books (and, I hope, getting to some of the 90 delinquent items on my master Take Control to-do list), and by the time we get through with that chunk of work, it’ll be time to move on to our fall books about macOS 12 and iOS 15/iPadOS 15, as well as our usual long list of updates for operating system compatibility. The rest of this year is going to be busy busy busy!

Work has proceeded nicely on our foundation. They expect to finish possibly as soon as next Thursday, or as late as the following Monday. Then we’ll be able to move on to the next of many gigantic, scary, and painfully expensive home improvement projects. Also, our next-door neighbors are demolishing a structure that is literally four inches away from our house, with the intention of replacing it with something else. The summer will be noisy as well as hot.

See you next week.