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Friday Report: March 26, 2021

This week we released Glenn Fleishman’s latest book, Take Control of Your M-Series Mac. It has been well received with some very favorable comments and high-profile mentions. If you have (or are considering buying) a new Mac based on the M1 Apple silicon, you’ll appreciate all the detailed, practical advice (as well as the technical background) this unique book has to offer.

After years and years of waiting, another big thing happened this week—Literature & Latte finally released Scrivener 3 for Windows. As a result, Kirk McElhearn is now putting the finishing touches on version 1.1 of his book Take Control of Scrivener 3, which will cover both Mac and Windows versions of Scrivener 3. We’ll ship that update early next week.

Meanwhile, Glenn has already started working on his next Take Control book, which I’m super excited about. (More on that when we get a bit closer.) And I continue to toil away at my ridiculously long list of updates.

That’s about it for this week.