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Friday Report: January 29, 2021

This week we released a big new third edition of Scholle McFarland’s Take Control of Calendar and Reminders, and a smaller, version 5.1 update to my book Take Control of Apple Mail. Both of these bring the books up to date with macOS 11 Big Sur and iOS 14/iPadOS 14. We still have lots of updates in the works, but it’s very nice to get those two out the door.

During the month of February, we expect to announce updated books on DEVONthink, the Mac command line, macOS media apps, Numbers, and Zoom—plus an all-new book on Mac security. The order in which those titles appear is subject to a number of variables only partially under my control, so we’ll know when we know. Slightly further out are big updates to several of my books, including but not limited to Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac, Take Control of 1Password, and Take Control of Your Online Privacy.

January involved a lot of meetings, filling out forms, and waiting (for several different reasons), to say nothing of the distractions of the news, the pandemic, and the deaths of two of my aunts. So…it hasn’t been a great month in terms of either happiness or productivity, but I am cautiously optimistic that both of those things are on the upswing now.

See you next week.