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Friday Report: December 11, 2020

This week we released version 1.2 of Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of Zoom, but then within hours, Zoom made further changes that rendered parts of the book inaccurate. So we’ll be releasing version 1.2.1 early next week to address that stuff, and at the same time, we’ll have a minor update to Glenn’s free Take Control of Zoom Essentials book. We’re also planning to publish a quarterly (small) update to my free DEVONthink book next week.

Apart from that, we have five other manuscripts by five different authors that are either in the process of being edited or about to be. In a perfect world, all five of those would ship this month, but (checks news) we appear to live in an imperfect world. I think we’ll be shipping a brand-new and very exciting title next week, and I hope that at least two of those other books ship the following week, but we’ll have to see how rapidly various authors and editors wrap up their work. Because of the holidays, it looks like Tuesday the 22nd is the last day we can reasonably publish anything (with the possible exception of a free, minor update) in 2020.

First priority for 2021 will be catching up on the remaining updates that we had previously scheduled for this year. There are rather a lot of them, and we’ll push through that list as expeditiously as possible. There are also still 83 items on my official Take Control to-do list (bug fixes and new features for our website, improvements to book layout, new types of products, etc.) and nothing would make me happier than to get through all of the above during the first quarter. I can’t wait to tell you about all the new stuff, but there are only so many hours in every day, and the majority of them are filled with interruptions and distractions. We’ll get there as soon as we can.

See you next week.