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Friday Report: November 20, 2020

This week we released no new or updated books. While a number of authors (myself included) are chipping away at manuscripts, work has been proceeding more slowly than we’d like, for the usual range of reasons. I remain hopeful of wrapping up some stuff over the weekend and possibly even getting one update out early next week. I did, however, do our monthly royalty computations today and sent money to our authors—always a great feeling!

I also received my new MacBook Air with an Apple M1 chip. It’s super nice! I’m still waiting for virtualization apps to catch up with the new processor so I can run other operating systems, but apart from that, I’m digging it. We’ll have plenty to say about M1 Macs in future Take Control books.

Next week is Thanksgiving in the United States, and I’m not even going to bother linking to the book I wrote on that topic; there doesn’t seem to be a point, under the circumstances. Here in the Jahnke-Kissell household we have adequate supplies for a reasonable facsimile of a traditional Thanksgiving meal, albeit just for the four of us. I am thankful that we’re healthy and gainfully employed; that’s about as high a bar as I can set this year.

My next Friday report will be on the day traditionally known as “Black Friday,” except not so much this year. I hope you all plan to stay home and stay safe.