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New and Updated Apps for the Apple TV

In recent months, Apple has been busily updating Apple TV apps and adding new ones.

Netflix users have likely noticed the addition of the post-play feature, which can turn you into a binge-watching zombie if you aren’t careful…it automatically plays the next episode in a TV series, just a few seconds after the previous show has ended.

Apple has also updated the YouTube app. As you may recall, Josh recommends skipping this app and instead AirPlaying content from the iOS app. Josh still recommends that, since searching for content is easier to do on an iPhone than with the Apple Remote. However, the YouTube app is useable now, with the downside being that it now features advertising.

Of the new apps that have recently arrived on the Apple TV, a few worth noting are the now-Apple-owned Beats Music (available in Apple TV software version 7), Ultimate Fighting Championship, and NFL Now. Josh describes NFL Now in the TidBITS article The NFL Arrives on Apple TV.