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Looking for an Older Edition?

If your audio software is on the old side, you may want to refer to an older edition of Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac. Click a link below to download a zipped PDF of an older edition (if you need an unzipped copy, please contact us).


p>Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac, Second Edition, Version 2.1 (PDF)
Published in 2008, this iteration of the second edition looks at GarageBand 5, which is part of iLife ’09 (these directions will also work for GarageBand 6, which is part of iLife ’11). It also describes recording with Audio Hijack Pro, Sound Studio 3.5.5, WireTap Studio, and Ubercaster.


p>Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac, Second Edition, Version 2.0 (PDF)
Published in 2008, this ebook looks at GarageBand 4, which is part of iLife ’08. It also has details about recording with Audio Hijack Pro, Sound Studio 3.5.5, WireTap Studio, and Ubercaster.


p>Take Control of Podcasting on the Mac, First Edition (PDF)
Published in 2006, this ebook discusses recording with GarageBand 3 (part of iLife ’06), as well as Audio Hijack Pro, Audacity, and Sound Studio 3.