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Friday Report: April 5, 2024

This week we released Jeff Carlson’s long-awaited Take Control of iPhone Photography! Early customers have had good things to say about it, and I think this is going to be an extremely popular title.

We also released version 1.2 of Josh Centers’s Take Control of iOS 17 and iPadOS 17, now up to date with 17.4.1.

Other than that, I spent more time this week working on server-related tasks, chipping away at the update to Take Control of Your Online Privacy, and doing further work with the good folks at SmallCubed Software on their forthcoming MailMaven app.

Spring has officially arrived here in Saskatoon, so the big melt is currently in progress. And, spring break is officially over, so the kids are back to school Monday (yay!) except the teachers are ramping up their job action, so no more extracurricular activities or lunchtime supervision, which will complicate our lives considerably (barring further developments).