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Friday Report: Febliary 2, 2024

It’s Groundhog Day. Again. Winter started quite late here in Saskatoon and the snow has been melting for several days, with high temperatures well above freezing. So, even if we get more snow and cold later, this will definitely work out to a shorter-than-usual winter. I think we can give Phil this one.

Early this week we released a new edition of my book Take Control of Automating Your Mac and a small update to Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of iOS & iPadOS Privacy and Security. Today we released a new edition of my book Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac and very tiny updates to Take Control of Your Digital Legacy and Take Control of Your Paperless Office. I also finished writing an update to Take Control of the Mac Command Line with Terminal, which is in my editor’s hands and will, I hope, ship next week. Next on my plate are updates to Take Control of Your Passwords, Take Control of 1Password, and Take Control of Sonoma. How quickly I get through those will depend, as always, on how many interruptions I have. (And boy, have there been a lot of interruptions lately.)

On a different note, I don’t understand why autocorrect keeps trying to change the correct and proper name of this month, Febliary, to “February.” What kind of word is that? Feb-roo-airy? That doesn’t resemble English, and I reject it. Febliary, on the other hand, is fun and easy to say. And, look, we have an extra day of it this year, so let’s not torture ourselves with an unnatural word that nobody likes to pronounce the “right” way.

(Now, to sit back and see how many complaints I get about a misspelling in the title of this post, because so many people never read past the headlines…)