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Friday Report: January 26, 2024

I can’t believe January is almost over. Time is passing too quickly.

This week I spent quite a lot of time revising Take Control of Automating Your Mac. Glenn Fleishman has edited it, and it’s on track for release early next week, along with an update to Glenn’s Take Control of iOS and iPadOS Privacy and Security. I also did considerable work on the next version of Take Control of Backing Up Your Mac, and with luck I’ll be able to send that off for editing tomorrow, then move on to my next update, and the one after that, and the one after that…

But everything takes longer than I expect. I’ll review a manuscript, look over my list of what things have to change, and think to myself, “Yeah, this won’t take long. Maybe four hours.” And then, 12 hours later with 20 pages of new text, I’ll pause to reassess, and think, “Oh good! Looks like I can wrap this up in just…four hours.” (Repeat several times.)

Tomorrow morning I’m teaching a class via Zoom on iCloud (and iCloud Drive) for the Naples MacFriends User Group. I hope to see some of you there!

See you again next month.