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Friday Report: January 12, 2024

Now that school is back in session (except for, you know, a kid who missed a couple of days this week due to illness, an impending teachers’ strike, and an upcoming planning day when school will be closed), I’ve finally been able to restart the machinery and make progress on some of my many delinquent updates. This week I revised my iCloud book and sent it off to be edited; I also received an updated book from another author that I have to edit. I’m nearly finished updating my Apple Mail book, too, after which I’ll have only, I don’t know, eight or so smallish updates and a book on MailMaven to finish before moving on to the big scary updates. So, there should be at least one, and possibly two or more, updated books arriving next week.

Winter has finally hit hard here in Saskatoon, thanks to a polar vortex. We had a big snow storm the other day. This morning, school buses were cancelled district-wide due to extreme cold, and we’ve had wind chill approaching –50°C (–58°F). Tomorrow’s high temperature—high, mind you—is –30°C (–22°F). But the roads are fine…as long as you’re driving a tank.

I also celebrated my 57th birthday on Tuesday, and I posted a story (57 Coincidences) on my personal blog that you may find interesting, particularly if you like coincidences, ketchup, or Ryan Reynolds.

That’s all for now. See you back here in a week!