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Friday Report: January 5, 2024

Happy (slightly belated) New Year!

During these past two weeks, what with the holidays and the kids being out of school, I’ve been unable to get much work done. I did manage to publish the quarterly update to my DEVONthink book, do some fiddling with spreadsheets and servers, and work on a bit of planning.

The big news in our family is that yesterday, after three and a half years, our 13-year-old son, Soren, finally got his braces off. Popcorn and other treats he’s been missing for years were consumed. We’re very happy for him.

I’m looking forward to Monday, when school is back in session and I can finally concentrate on my job. I’m also looking forward to Tuesday, which will be my 57th birthday. It’s a particularly auspicious one for me, and I have a post queued up on my personal blog for that day that will tell what I think is a pretty interesting story.

At long last, we had some snow in Saskatoon this morning. It’s still not enough to cover the grass, but at least it makes the roads slippery. Progress!