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Friday Report: December 8, 2023

Today we released the second edition of Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of Untangling Connections. If you’ve ever felt confused or overwhelmed by all the various flavors of USB, Thunderbolt, HDMI, DisplayPort, and Ethernet, or ever wondered which cables will charge which devices or carry data at which speeds, this is the book for you!

We have four other titles that are basically done, just waiting for Apple to release the .2 versions of all their operating systems, which looks like it’s going to be next week. So, expect lots of news about that stuff then!

I’m about to turn my attention to a bunch of my own books that need updating, as well as some major server improvements (because our site keeps bogging down, especially during big sales and the like, while costing us an arm and a leg). I’ve developed a strategy that will enable us to improve performance considerably while also reducing our costs, but it’s a multi-step process that won’t be complete until, I expect, some time in January. Once everything is up and running, I’ll explain what we did, which may be interesting to any propellerheads in our audience.

As a result of climate change, El Niño, and probably a lot of hot air blowing in from the country to the south of us, we are still Snowless in Saskatoon, and I’m hearing we might not have any snow that sticks until as late as February. This is not what I was promised when I moved to Canada. The silver lining is that our neighbourhood DQ, which closes during the winter, is still open, which means that we can get Blizzards even if we don’t get a blizzard.

See you next week, with (I expect) info about a bunch more books.