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Friday Report: November 17, 2023

This week we released the fifth edition of Take Control of Calendar and Reminders by Scholle McFarland and Glenn Fleishman. We’re also very close to finishing new editions of Glenn’s Take Control of FaceTime and Messages and Josh Centers’s Take Control of Apple TV, but both of those titles are waiting for the release of 17.2, which could presumably be any time in the next few weeks. Meanwhile, I know Josh and Glenn are busy on other updates, and I have my own list, as usual.

Among other things, I ordered a ridiculous amount of new Apple gear this week, including a 16-inch M3 Max MacBook Pro and an iPhone 15 Pro. (Yesterday, as it happens, my 3-year AppleCare+ plan ran out on my M1 MacBook Air, so, you know, it’s time.) And I was part of a MacVoices gift guide episode that also featured Take Control author Rosemary orchard, though it hasn’t been posted yet. Apart from that, this has felt like one of those weeks during which I was busy all the time but got very little done.

I’m aware that we’re just a week away from Black Friday. Although I’ve batted around a number of ideas with other Take Control folk, we still don’t know for sure what we’re going to do to celebrate. I can tell you we’re not going to have a storewide 50%-off sale or anything of that scale, because our gigantic 20th anniversary sale last month more than covered that territory. I do think we’ll do something, but we’re still mulling what that might be.

The weather here has been freakishly warm (for here, for this time of year); highs of 9°C (49°F) today and tomorrow. It’s supposed to plunge to the normal-for-us zone by this time next week, but there’s no snow in the immediate forecast and we could plausibly make it through to December before we have another snowfall, the previous one having melted weeks ago. So weird.