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Friday Report: November 10, 2023

I worked on editing four updated books this week from Glenn Fleishman and Josh Centers. None of them are quite ready to release yet, but I expect at least a couple will appear next week. I also did quite a bit of work testing MailMaven, which is getting better every day and inching closer to a public beta.

For anyone planning to cook Thanksgiving dinner later in the month, be sure to pick up a copy of Take Control of Thanksgiving Dinner, which is free until then. A lot of preparation has to happen well ahead of time, so don’t wait until the last minute to read it!

In other news, for the second time in six weeks, the kids have two consecutive four-day school weeks (off today through Monday). I can’t overstate what a blow this is to my mental health and productivity. But at least we have a babysitter for tomorrow night, when Morgen and I are going to see Loreena McKennitt in concert. (Shania Twain was also in town this week, but she’s not really our cup of tea.)

That’s all I have for today. More next week.