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Friday Report: October 27, 2023

This week we held our massive 20th Anniversary Sale, and it was epic. Within the span of three and a half days, we had orders for an astonishing 14,393 books. (One person bought 44 books in a single order!) I’ve just never seen anything like that before. That made this the biggest single month in Take Control history. THANK YOU so much to all who participated! We truly appreciate your support, and we hope these books will help you solve (or prevent) lots of problems and become more proficient with your hardware and software.

Now that the excitement of the anniversary is behind us, it’s back to work on (many) more updated books. I’m editing a small update to Jeff Carlson’s Take Control of Apple Watch and a major update to Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of FaceTime and Messages; both of those are likely to ship next week. I’m also expecting a few updates from Josh Centers quite soon. Then I have to dig into my own updates, of which there are many still on my list. We’ll have plenty of updated books coming your way in November!

Happy Halloween to those who celebrate it :-). I’ll see you next week.