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Friday Report: October 13, 2023

Happy Friday the 13th (a.k.a International Verify Your Backups Day)!

Monday was Thanksgiving here in Canada, though we actually celebrated on Sunday with the in-laws. There was no time for me to cook a big meal, so we contributed cranberry relish, deviled eggs, and wine. (Maybe I’ll cook a big family meal for American Thanksgiving, or some time in between.)

This week we had two major releases—both, coincidentally, fourth editions:

It feels great to have those two books done, and I know a lot of customers have been waiting eagerly for them!

I also finished revising Take Control of Thanksgiving Dinner for the first time in 11 years! It’s in my editor’s hands now, and we’ll get that out before long. (I’m only sorry it couldn’t have been done in time for Canadian Thanksgiving.)

But the even bigger news this week is that, after months of hard work, we switched to Paddle for payment processing. I can’t tell you what a huge relief this is to me, after years of dealing with an endless series of intractable FastSpring problems. I think this is going to make payments much smoother and reliable for everyone.

On Tuesday, my son Soren and I went to see Piff the Magic Dragon, who apparently figured that if Saskatoon is big enough for Seinfeld, it’s big enough for him.

Then on Wednesday, Morgen and I got our Covid boosters and flu shots, and man, they just wiped us both out. We were achy and extremely fatigued for a day or so. All for a good cause, but UGH.

I spent many hours this week testing and helping to debug MailMaven, which continues its long march toward completion. I also repaired some gutters (or “eavestroughs” as they are known locally) and downspouts, did some landscaping, and dealt with some other home-maintenance tasks.

Anyway, it feels like this has just been an endless and exhausting week, but we did check of a bunch of big boxes, so that’s cool.

On to the next thing!