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Friday Report: September 29, 2023

This week we released the version 1.1 update to my book Take Control of Sonoma, as well as the quarterly update to Take Control of DEVONthink 3. Books have been flying off the virtual shelves at an astonishing rate, so thank you all very much for your support, and I hope you find the books interesting and helpful.

We’re finally getting pretty close to releasing big new editions of Michael Cohen’s Take Control of Pages and Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of Securing Your Mac. Maybe next week! I hope! Jeff Carlson is also making progress on updating Take Control of Apple Watch, and I know there’s a lot of interest in that one, so we’ll get it out as rapidly as we possibly can. Other updates are also in the works, but not quite as far along yet. Among these are many small updates of my own books just for compatibility with the fall operating systems.

During October, apart from releasing as many updated titles as we can churn through, I have some other ambitions:

  • Finish the work to switch our site over to using Paddle, rather than FastSpring, for payment processing
  • Update Take Control of Thanksgiving Dinner (yes, really) after all these years
  • Have some sort of big shindig to celebrate Take Control’s 20th anniversary
  • Order a bunch of new Apple equipment
  • Improve my mental health by a notch or two

This week we had many contractors at our house with noisy tools, and we got some long-planned renovations completed. (Not all of them! But we knocked the top few things off of our long list.)

We’re in the midst of a four-week period in which one or both kids are off school for one day a week for various reasons, and that’s not excellent for my productivity. But we will push through.

My brain is kind of mush right now, but I will try to rejuvenate it over the weekend and get on to the next set of challenges.