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Friday Report: June 2, 2023

This week I finished writing the new edition of Take Control of Your Passwords and sent it off to my editor, but she’s about to leave town for a week or so, meaning that book probably won’t ship until mid-June. Meanwhile, I’m working on the new edition of Take Control of Your Digital Legacy as well as the quarterly update to my DEVONthink book. Slowly but surely making progress on this very long list.

Monday, of course, is the start of WWDC, when we’ll learn about the next versions of Apple’s various operating systems, which should appear in the fall. There will probably be some new Macs, too, and apparently some sort of AR/VR headset, which I have absolutely zero interest in. (The questions I ask myself about shiny new products are: Does this solve any problems for me, or does it improve my life in a tangible way? And if yes, are those benefits worth the price?) In any case, Apple’s announcements will certainly influence our writing and publishing plans for the coming months.

On a much different note, we learned this week that Jerry Seinfeld is coming to Saskatoon in September, and we bought tickets. So, if you’re ever wondering how big or important Saskatoon is, it rates at least 1.0 Seinfelds.

I’ve also been doing a lot of outdoor work, and most of my plants are thriving. The University of Saskatchewan’s horticulture department develops new cultivars of various plants that are well adapted to the extreme climate here, and they have an annual plant sale (just a few blocks from our house, in fact). This morning I picked up some fruit shrubs that will go in our back yard: haskap, sour cherries, and raspberries, plus a few Saskatoon berry plants I purchased elsewhere. We’re thinking about adding an apple tree and a plum tree, and later on, maybe some blueberries and blackberries. In a couple of years, we should have a nice crop of fruit.

OK, enough chit-chat. Back to work!