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Friday Report: April 28, 2023

Today we released small updates to Josh Centers’s Take Control of Notes and Glenn Fleishman’s Take Control of Find My and AirTags and Take Control of Home Security Cameras. At least three of our other authors are making meaningful progress on updates to their books, too. Although I did not progress on any of my own books this week, I did remove a number of blockages to progress, so I guess that sort of counts.

It’s currently 18°C/64°F, which indicates that it’s really (probably, almost definitely) spring now. I was able to do some outdoor work like repairing a fence, and I can actually take a walk wearing nothing heavier than a sweatshirt. Yay! On the other hand, Mercury retrograde is now in progress, so… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

See you in May.