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Friday Report: April 21, 2023

Book publishing isn’t the sexiest or most exciting profession, but it’s at least interesting when I can report that we have new or updated books. You know what’s not interesting to report about? Administrative paperwork.

That’s what this week was all about: running our monthly royalties, paying our authors, reviewing tax returns for two countries, having conversations with our accountant, dealing with contractual details, and so on. None of this is fun, and none of it contributes directly to publishing books, but this the life of a small business owner.

By the end of last weekend, pretty much all the snow and ice around here had finally melted, and I was happy to get outside and do a bit of yard work. It really felt like spring for a couple of days. And then…we had a big snow storm and everything turned white and frozen again. Ugh. I can tolerate winter just fine, but don’t tease me like that, spring. I have gardening to get on with!

The next two weeks are birthday season, which includes my younger son, my mother, my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, and my best friend. It’ll be good to get all this aging over with. 🙂

If I’m very, very lucky, next week I’ll be able to get back to actual writing, editing, and publishing work. Fingers crossed.